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  • Writer's pictureCHENXI GU

Week 8 Class & Workshop

This week, Mary, Chidi and Liam will introduce and host classroom lectures and workshops. The theme of their speech is based on the Internet of Things (IoT) and its application in the environment. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and the suspension of school, the school will conduct classrooms online, the lectures and workshops will be conducted through "zoom", the group video chat platform will discuss, and the murals will be used for seminars, which allows us to be like in the classroom Also divided into groups for group discussion.

Mary first talked about the concept of the Internet of Things, and then discussed air quality and its impact on our lives and the surrounding environment. She emphasized the impact of having high-quality local readers and the differences in a waste loss in the environment on the air we are receiving. She proposed the idea of ​​self-made readers and the fact that these readers can build and use. Liam talked about the Internet of Things and its application in sustainable agriculture. He explained how agriculture accounts for 32% of all greenhouse gases in Ireland. He then continued to talk about the environmental benefits of organic agriculture over traditional agriculture, because traditional organic agriculture maintains biodiversity and supplements soil fertility. Liam also talked about different open source farm management software, including OpenTeam that provides site-specific decision support and FarmOS that uses satellite technology for farm planning and record keeping. Liam also talked about an open-source device called Quick Carbon, which generates soil carbon data and measures the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Chidi then highlighted the problems of oil leakage and oil theft in Nigeria ’s Niger Delta. He talked about the protests and research against Shell Oil Company. Many people think that Shell Oil Company is the external cause of these ongoing events. In these incidents, oil is lost to people ’s land and into their water bodies and affects plants. Growing, with an infant mortality rate of 11,000 new in the area.

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